Beyond Riba

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Subtilties of giving

Giving from our wealth is an innate part of our paradigm as Muslims, a well-known act of virtue and has numerous benefits in this world and the next. Acts of devotion and service often have subtleties that aren’t always obvious. These subtle methodologies often have far reaching implications. Charity is no exception. Some of the subtleties of giving are the following:

Affirmation of belief

An ideal believer has no object of Love, except the One. True love does not admit partners. To merely claim an affirmation of belief is easy, however, the real trial is giving up other objects of love besides the One. Wealth and riches are objects of love for human beings as they bring worldly pleasure. Sacrificing of wealth is a means of moving towards the perfection of faith. It comes in the Qur’an:

“Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise…” (Qur’an 9:111).

Movement towards salvation.

Giving in charity allows an individual to overcome the human urge of miserliness and hoarding. This in turn may be a cause of our salvation in this life and the next. Allah says:

“…And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful.” (Qur’an 59:9).

The Beloved ﷺ said “Save yourself from Hell-fire even by giving half a date in charity.” (Bukhari)

Expression of gratitude

There are many divine gifts which Allah has given us. We can show gratitude for the gifts of the body and the gifts of wealth in different ways. Showing gratefulness for the gift of wealth is to give of it in His path.

“And remember when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.” (Qur’an 14:7).

Secrecy in giving

Charity given in secret has numerous benefits such as the following:

·        Protects the dignity of the receiver of charity

·        Discourages begging

·        Mitigates doubts of sincerity

·        Helps in concealment

Above all the Beloved ﷺ taught us that one of those who will “be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His” is the one who “practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given.”

The points above have been adapted from the Ihya-Ulum-ad-Din of Abu Hamid al Ghazzali

If you are looking for organizations to donate to you can check out our list of charities

Allah knows best